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November 30, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Time, Can you slow down? Just a little ... 2013 soon? The fact that it's not 2004, and I'm not 18, is so, so strange.

Dear Movies, The Christmas season always gets me into movie mode. This year, I'm really into watching old favorites while I get things done once Maile goes to bed. Last night was the black and white Going My Way. Bing Crosby. So good. And with technology, there are so many ways to get access to great films, including two of my holiday season standards -- The Sound of Music and Sleepless in Seattle. There's always room for newer goodies like The Holiday and The Nativity Story, too.

Dear Ginger Ale, I may be a water girl 99% of the time, but you're pretty much all I ever drink when I have the sickies. Thanks for making me feel like it was my mom taking care of me, even though she's 700 miles away.

Dear Food, How do I convince myself that sweets do not need to be consumed en masse around 5 pm each day? All day long I'm fine. Then the early evening hours hit, and time after time, I find myself making poor food choices. Time after time, I tell myself that I'm not going to keep making the same mistakes. In the days leading up to the plague Maile and I contracted this week (anyone want to read a post on that? haha ...) I ignored that nagging voice in my head and had that bagel (or two), those Oreos, or whatever other calorie-laden snacks I could dig out of the pantry. Yuck. I love you, food, but I'm usually not even hungry when I reach for these things! So this weekend, I just want to get back on track. Because I feel so much better, mentally and physically, when I'm eating well.

Dear Baby Monitor, Thanks for magically resurrecting yourself this week. That was real neat. Your white noise is my companion each night, only occasionally interrupted by Maile crying out "Mama ... Mama ..." I'm pretty fond of that white noise, so if you could continue to stick around, I'd sure appreciate it.

Dear Maile, You are 18 months old today. It feels like just yesterday we were bringing you home from the hospital. I lost a lot of blood, and was pumped full of a lot of drugs. I was emotional and scared. Those early days often seem like one big blur, but some moments stand out clear as day. I remember your first well-baby visit. I remember crying sobbing as they pricked your heel, as I received advice for your jaundice, and your wee, wee size. I remember your Marmee rubbing my back, and telling me that it would be okay, that I would make it, that I was a good mama. I'm a little teary thinking about bringing you in today, for this milestone checkup. I am blessed to have a healthy, happy little girl.

Dear Christmas, Of course I can't wait for you! Outside of the fact that Mr. M has to work over the holiday, which stinks (though we are thankful for steady employment!), I'm most excited about sharing in some simple joys as a family. Enjoying the Christmas lights and sights. Snow. The anticipation of our Savior's birth. Or, "Beebee Juice" as Maile calls baby Jesus ... Yay! Very, very exciting.

The idea for this post came from the lovely Ashley, of Adventures of Newlyweds.


  1. Replies
    1. Awww ... Thank you, Rachel! It's so, so bittersweet.

  2. I can't believe it's almost 2013! Ahh! Your little one is gorgeous :) Xo

    1. I know, right? I vividly remember everyone freaking out over Y2K in 2000 ... seems like yesterday. Where does the time go?

      And thanks so much, Margaret!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, and thanks for stopping by, Jiza!

  4. hooray for the baby monitor! it's the little things, i tell ya... :)
    happy 18 months, miss maile! <3

  5. Hehehe I can't help but giggle at "Beebee Juice"...have an excellent holiday season and happy 18 months to the little Miss!

    Much love xox

    1. Isn't that the cutest? Every time she says it, I have to try so hard not to laugh!

      Thank you, Audrey!

  6. I loved reading this post! And 18 months old already? It goes fast huh!?

    1. Thanks, Kyna!

      It goes WAY too fast! Thinking about it makes me want to kick myself for those "bad" days I want to be over so quickly. ;)

    2. I hear you on that one! All we did was wish Ellie's first 12 months would hurry up so she would grow out of her issues...now she's growing up way too fast!
      ♥ Kyna

  7. Aren't Friday Letters fun? Ash is my best friend..so I have to say that hehe ;) Happy 18 months, Maile! So sweet. Hooray for Christmas being so close!

    1. Yes! This is my first time participating, and I had such a good time writing this post.

      Thank you, sweet Michaela!

  8. Hi Katie! I'm also wondering .. hmm where has time gone?? enjoy every minute with your daughter.. because they really do grow up fast. I also can't wait for Christmas.. this year my family comes to us but my husband also has to work :( but like you said, "we are thankful for employment" :) Happy Holidays and thanks for sharing!!

    1. Awww, I'm so sorry that you won't be able to spend Christmas with your hubby either! What does he do? If you don't mind me asking. :)

  9. time is flying! thanks to this post, i just remembered that i'd really like to re-watch sleepless in seattle :)

    1. An "oldie" but a goody!

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Gaby.

  10. It's hard to believe for me, too. It was 66 degrees in Denver today -- What? As a local friend said on Instagram, "For those who believe we live at the North Pole, look! T-shirt weather today!" Haha. Hope you had a wonderful weekend, girly!

  11. Oh my goodness!! Your baby girl is so flippin' ADORABLE!! It's amazing and sad at the same time how time flies!! Hope you and your family have a great rest of the week!! :))


    1. Thank you so much, Shio! And thanks for taking the time to stop by our little piece of the web; I so appreciate it.

      Have a lovely weekend!
