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December 3, 2012

A Very Merry Half Birthday, Maile!

... not much bigger than Dada's iPod Touch.

Dear Maile, 

Gorgeous Maile, it is the privilege of my life to be your mother. I can't tell you how many times a day I look at you and think, She's mine. I love her. How can I love her this much? Well, maybe you know how many times a day that is, since almost every time I think that, I have an irresistible urge to snatch you up and give you kisses. My guess is this probably happens two, "th-wee," or eight times a day, for you, since those are your favorite numbers. 

Maile, you have taught me so much about myself. About life, and the things that are truly important in this world. You have been the cause of some of my most sorrowful, infuriating, and happy moments. I feel so grateful that your Dada works so hard, so that we can spend our days side by side. Thank you for being you, Baby Girl.

We love you. Happy Half Birthday, Maile!

I don't know how the past 18 months flew by so quickly. I remember Maile's arrival into this world like it was yesterday. I have a hard time remember what life was like before she was with us. It's been a very bittersweet weekend for me. How did we get here? We've been Mama and Dada for 18 months? And look, everyone! We've done okay. She's still breathing. And happy! And healthy. And beautiful. So beautiful.

If you'd like to leave a comment for Maile, please do! Hopefully she'll read all this someday.

Second two photos by Alicia H Photography.

Today, I'm linking up with Naomi, of What Joy is Mine and Carissa, of Lowercase Letters.

PS - To see if you're the winner of the Fancy Seeing You Here giveaway, click here!

PPS - Please pardon the mess. Some design changes are coming, and we're working on getting everything installed, and just right!


  1. Happy half birthday baby girl! You are so loved, by so many!!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, Kasey! And thanks for becoming our newest follower!

  3. Maile, you're soo lucky to have the parents that you do! It's so apparent that they love you to the moon and back.
    Happy half birthday! Hope you can get some extra play time at the park today. :)

  4. Happy 18 months Maile! That last photo of her yawning - melts my heart!

  5. Happy 18 months!!! She was an adorable baby! (and she still is adorable of course!)
    ♥ Kyna

  6. So sweet! Happy half birthday to your little peach! :)

  7. So adorable!!!♥ Im having a baby girl soon too and I cant wait. Reading your posts make me so giddy!!!:)
    Happy birthday to little Maile!

    New follower!

  8. Ummm cutest newborn...ever!! oh she is adorable! Happy half bday beautiful wild child:) xo!

  9. YAY! I love that you celebrate half birthday's! Happy half birthday Maile, you little cutiepie! x

  10. Happy Half Birthday Maile!! Definitely a great milestone :) love those pictures just beautiful!


  11. She is so darling. I love your sweet letter to her. Happy half-birthday to her! :)

  12. How sweet of you to share Maile at WJIM this past week. She's a cutie and I love her tutu. Have a blessed week.

  13. Maile, you are blessed to have such a wonderful mama and papa. Take this space here, use it to hold onto memories and your family traditions. xoxo
