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November 28, 2012

Blog Spotlight

Welcome, everyone, to part deux of my new blog spotlight feature! Here's my very first spotlight. 

This week, I'd love to share the blog of a very special person with you. Some of you may already follow Husband, Wife, Blessed Life, but if you don't, I recommend it to you whole-heartedly! 

Kristin Kline is one of those people from whom you can just feel the love. Through her writing, you really get a sense of what a wonderful person she is. Her blog is full of her life as a SAHM to sweet James, being the wife of an Iowa high school football coach, and her love for Jesus. Kristin is adorable, and she writes with heart. Every time I open my Reader and see a new post from Husband, Wife, Blessed Life, I know I'm about to enjoy something beautiful.

Recently, Kristin started documenting her and her husband Michael's love story, where she's sharing all the adventures that lead to their marriage. I'm hooked, and I think you will be too! Kristin's posts are extremely sincere, and she has one of those blogs that everyone can enjoy, not just mamas and wives. She posts provoking thoughts, silly little bits, candid photos, and even vlogs -- I'm just thrilled to share her with all of you!

Be sure to hop over and say hello!

Make sure you enter the fancy seeing you here giveaway before Friday! You can do so here.


  1. Hi Katie! Hopped over to your blog and absolutely love the colors. Little Maile is adorable and I LOVE that name. I had never heard it before but I really might add it to our list should we have a girl next. :)

    1. Hi there, Sarah! Thank you so much for your sweet compliments!

      Mr. M is half Hawaiian, and we knew we wanted to give our girl a Hawaiian name, so that's where Maile (pronounced My-lee) comes from. I'm so glad that you like it; we're pretty partial to it. ;)

      I'll be sure to check out your blog! Looking forward to it!

  2. Thank you for a great blog recommendation. I just visited and am following. You can tell right away that there is quality on her page. Looking forward to following her :)
    I hope that people appreciate that you use your heart to write these blog spotlights. It shows that you really care and you are able to really pull out what the blogger is about and share it with people. You don't write the surfacy "hey go check out so and so's blog, she's so fabulous and fun" type of recommendation. Thanks for taking the time to really tell your readers why they should go visit a blog :)

    1. Shannon, thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope YOU know how much your words mean to me.

  3. I love this! She is darling and I love blogs like hers (and yours). I am heading over there right now!

    1. Thank you, Ali! I hope you enjoy Kristin's blog!

  4. Ohhh sweet Katie, where do I even begin?
    Shannon took the words right out of my mouth...
    I SO appreciate you and you taking the time to write out a heartfelt spotlight for your readers. You are an incredible blogger and I'm honored to call you a friend. <3

    1. Hi Linda!

      Thank you so very much for your kind words; they are truly appreciated!

      I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of visiting your blog, but I will be sure to visit. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. :)

    2. Katie,
      OOPS! That was me that wrote the above comment. I was on my parents home computer when I typed that comment and clearly my mom was logged into her blog still. :) Sorry about the confusion!

    3. Hahahahaha!

      I am SO glad you clarified! I clicked on the profile and noticed that you were following, but I thought the comment was kind of creepy coming from someone I didn't know.

      PHEW! LOL!

      Aaand ... Right back at ya, sista!

  5. I am now following YOU because I found you from Kristin!! :-) I love to find more hearts I can relate to! Following you now!

    1. Thank you, Lindsy! I have been meaning to check out your page since Kristin put up your button; I'll be sure to do so tonight. :)
