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September 27, 2012

Downtown Aquarium: Part III

Here are a few more photos from our day at Denver's Downtown Aquarium. PS - They aren't messing around, there! As we were leaving, there was a very swank wedding reception beginning in a cordoned off area. Mr. M and I agreed it would be way cooler after hours ... but it was still pretty awesome. ;)

Also, our guest photographer for today is Mr. M himself. He ripped the camera out of my hands like it was the biggest lollipop in the last candy store on earth kindly took over camera duties when Baby Girl started to feel a bit overstimulated. He may or may not have done a bit better than I did (just don't tell him I said so)! 

PS - I'm looking for guest bloggers for the week of October 8-12. If you're interested, I'd love to have you! Just visit my Contact page and shoot me an email. :)


  1. I hate when I go through our camera and see that Justin is so much more of a natural than me. Tigers at the aquarium? OK!

    1. I have a feeling it's because, as women, we naturally overthink what we're doing. Guys are just so much more nonchalant about things!

      Yeah, I was surprised about the tigers, too! It has something to do with the Denver Zoological Society promoting predator awareness. We were like, "Well, um, you have SHARKS!" But I love the big cats, and they were quite the models, so it was fun. :)

  2. I'm in love with your hair! I'm thinking of letting my roots grow out in an attempt to return it to its natural state... but I'm not sure I'll have the patience to follow through.

    Great pictures, Tim!

    1. Thanks! It's been almost a week and I'm starting to have buyer's remorse, like I always do, but I think I should probably stick it out. So much less maintenance this way!

  3. Brilliant photos, I love the ones of the jelly fish!

    1. Thank you, Harri! I will pass along your compliment to Mr. M.

  4. love the pictures! looks like it was great day :)

  5. I love all of these pictures. That one with the tiger where you can see how close you're standing to it, that must have been crazy! Lol
    And those FISH!!! Sorry, FEESH are HUGE! Maile's brain must've taken so much in!

    1. It was a little nuts. Actually, the tiger in the second-to-last tiger photo was REALLY interested in me and Maile. It came down, checked us out, and started pacing; I got outta there. We actually had a gorilla charge us at the zoo, and it completely terrified Maile (and me). I don't care how thick that glass is, that's a 600-something-pound cat!

  6. Oh, wow! I love aquariums. So far, the one I visited in Atlanta is my favorite. They have a tunnel that goes right through some of the tanks. Awesome!

    P.S. I loved your comment on my guest post on Michaela's blog about how Maile (is that pronounced 'Mail' or 'Maily'??) loves to smudge your lipstick so she can steal it for her lips. You're right, she is such a little diva in the making!

    1. Yes, we've been to the Atlanta aquarium, too! Pretty amazing (as it should be, being the largest and all).

      And thanks, haha -- I'm so glad you liked it! Her name is pronounced My-lee (like Miley Cyrus), or you can think of it like a Mai Tai drink. ;) The spelling is Hawaiian; Mr. M is half Hawaiian, and we knew we wanted Maile to have a Hawaiian name! Thank you for stopping by ... I so appreciate it!

  7. Hi Katie, beautiful photo of exciting moment. Beautiful family.

    xoxo Lelli, italian family.


  8. Holy smokes. I love the jellyfish pictures! What amazing little creatures, those are. What a fun adventure that must've been for your family!

    1. Yes, we had a blast! As if everyone isn't aquarium-ed out already, I have one. last. post. to share. :)

  9. Oh, wow! Those jellyfish look amazing!

    1. Yes, they were pretty wonderful to see. Such simple creatures! But I wouldn't want to be in that tank with 'em. ;)

  10. Those jelly fish are so stunning, and it's amazing how close it seems like you were able to get to that tiger. What a big kitty, I'd love to give him a hug, but I don't think that would go very well. :-)

  11. I'm jumping on the jellyfish picture train! Those are gorgeous!
