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November 9, 2012

Animal Watching

Mickey had to come, too. These days, Maile is dividing her time between Mr. Mouse, and her sleeping lovey, Kisses the koala.

On Wednesday, Mr. M and I took Maile to the Denver Zoo with some new friends. It was such a beautiful day, and we had an awesome time. And despite our efforts to the contrary, Maile might have put her face up against every piece of viewing glass in the zoo. Oops!

I had big dreams concerning our visit, since this was Mr. M's first zoo day with Maile. But somehow, one animal at a time, it turned out to be even better than I anticipated, even with a lot of the animals in their winter habitats. And once again, Maile impressed, outlasting her little buddies by a full hour-and-a-half, making it through the entire zoo once again! Thanks for inviting us, Helen! We love your company, as well as little Kylee's.

The penguins are now in their enclosed winter quarters, which meant Maile couldn't carry on her regular conversation with one particular dapper dude.


Find the face!

Those would be snout smudges on that window.

This just doesn't look comfortable! But Monsieur Chameau was definitely snoring.

Someone -- ahem, Maile -- lost a shoe. ;)

Kind of upset about leaving the harbor seals.

Love these two. So, so much.


  1. Aaawww she looks so cute with her tied up hair! I love to bring my kid to the zoo too :)

    1. Thanks, Marie! The zoo is always a nice time.

  2. holding her daddy's hand...so cute! I wish I could bring my girls to a zoo more often, they would love it so much! Hopefully next summer:)
    Also, her ponytail is SO cute!

  3. what a fun trip to the zoo! such lovely photos...oh, and can we please take a moment to discuss the awkward position that camel was laying in? that hurts my neck just LOOKING at it! have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, friend! And ... Right!? I kept saying, "That just does NOT look comfortable."

      Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend, too!

  4. Aww this looks fun.. It's always fun going to the zoo specially with small children.. :) thanks for sharing!!

  5. Her adorable ponytail! Can't get enough of it. Looks like a fun time at the zoo!

    1. Thank you, Allison! Mr. M actually did her hair. :)

  6. Love her hair do! The zoo is a great day out - something I've always loved, even as an adult and now having a kid gives plenty of excuses for a trip!

    1. Thank you so much!

      Yes, we've always enjoyed the zoo, too. It's been one of our go-to dates since we first started dating. :) Having our babe with us just makes it that much more fun!

  7. Thanks, Gina! I'll be sure tocheck out your blog later. :)

  8. oh my gosh i love her little pony tail! What a fun trip. oh and again, love that sweater! :)

    1. Thanks, Shannon!

      I've had the sweater for more than 5 years now, and I bought it on sale, but it's one of J.Crew's summerweight cotton cardis, in a longer boyfriend style. They have something almost identical each year during the warmer months, so keep an eye out! :)

  9. Looks like such a great day! You got some fantastic photos too! That one of the bald eagle is awesome! Maile is too cute, love her name!

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! That bald eagle was particularly friendly ... It was kind of strange, but really cool. He seemed to be trying to make friends with Maile. :)

  10. You three are the cutest! :) makes me smile to see a happy family.

  11. There's a good chance that she's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. How adorable is her hair!?

    Looks like you had a wonderful day! Great pictures!

    Sarah XxX

  12. Omg these are so precious! I love how Mickey got to come along for the ride.
    So glad you all got to hang out as a family, Maile is so lucky to have you guys. I can just see the love spewing out of these photos. Lol.

    I still need to take Jeremy to the zoo! I know he would love it.

  13. Looks like you had a wonderful family day!


    swaney e
