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September 5, 2012

Get Dressed!

When I first transitioned to being a SAHM, I was lost. I had been working on my Master's degree. Working a part-time job. Interning with a senate campaign. I had no idea how to be "home". So, I lived in yoga pants that were at least one size too big. Oversized tees. I hardly ever put on makeup, even when I had to leave the house. Somehow, I got away with this for far too long, because Mr. M is a saint, and never said a critical word. I'd shower, throw a bit of moisturizer on my face -- not even tinted -- the horror! ... some workout clothes, and he'd say, "Goin' comfy again, babe?" "Yep." "Well alright." And he'd throw on a pair of basketball shorts and a hat and be right there with me, every step of the way. (This is a man who likes to do his hair, people.)

But now, pregnancy weight lost, self-esteem mostly back in hand, and with a toddler who will usually entertain herself while I get ready (::cough:: making our dog Teddy pretty), I find myself wanting to look nice again. Even if it's just for Baby Girl. My mom may or may not have harangued me a little bit about this in the early days of Maile. "Just put on a little mascara!" "Go get your hair done!" Okay, okay, you were right, Mom. And no, I'm not talkin' about putting on a silk blouse and your highest heels -- don't be cray-cray (I have had my most favorite silk top dry-cleaned twice since M was born, and still haven't worn it). But a pair of chino shorts and a simple tee? Yes.

I still have days a lot of days when neither Maile or I make it out of our PJs. When, by the end of the day, I'm smeared with banana, have bits of chicken in my hair, and feel like I will never, ever, look "the way I used to" ... but I try. I do try.

Also, I still have roots. (Don't look, Mom! It's been a busy summer!) So instead, focus on the cute babe, and the fact that I'm dressed in non-gym attire.

Happy Hump Day!

P.S. If you haven't entered the Jordan Diane Designs giveaway yet, you can do so here.


  1. Oh wow, I totally know the feeling. It wasn't until my son was about 5 months old that I started taking the time to do my hair, put on makeup, etc. There are still days (like today!) when I don't shower until noon... So thanks for sharing this! Now I know I'm not the only one...:)

    1. I may be a pot calling a kettle black. I am totally still in my workout clothes (noon, in CO) but I did take Maile on a power-walk this morning, and I just can't shower when she's napping. Too afraid she'll wake and freak out, or get into some trouble! It's in the plan for today, though. :)

  2. I know how you feel, I was the same way! It's so nice to know you weren't the only mom and child staying in your pajamas all day. But then it's like what's the point of getting dressed when you're just going to get dirty and get food all over you. You might as well be comfy.
    You guys are super cute by the way, roots and all!

    -Jordan :)

    1. I totally agree, Jordan. And I often have who-knows-what on me by the end of the day. But I still try to at least put on shorts and a t-shirt ... It just makes me feel better about myself!

  3. I can so relate to this! I am SAHM too. If I don't jump into the shower right when I wake up it's downhill from there!

    1. I take Maile walking every morning, but yes, I definitely have to make showering a priority, or it just falls by the wayside!

      Thanks for following, Kristina! Your blog is lovely ... And your wedding? AMAZING.

  4. I think you look great!!! Hey, after having a baby, we're all entitled to a little lounge-around-the-house time in our favorite PJs!! Saw your comment on my blog site and just wanted to stop by to say hello. Newest follower on your GFC--would love a follow back if you can! Thanks of sharing!

  5. you look fabulous, girl! you'll get back into the groove of wanting to get dressed and all "pretty" soon.
    xo TJ
