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August 8, 2012

My "Home Alone" Lifesavers

When Maile and I are coming up on the end of a two-week hitch (hitch is basically another word for shift -- the days when roughnecks are on their rig), I'll be honest ... sometimes we start to get sick of each other! Here are a few things that seem to work magic, holding us over until Dada gets home.

  1. Gymboree Play & Music: Age appropriate classes, from 0-5 years. We still don't know many people in the Denver area in our "life stage" (thankfully, none of you have been witness to my monthly sob fest over this). Even though we haven't made any play date friends here, I mostly credit Gymboree with keeping Maile and me socialized. ::grin::
  2. Prenatal yoga: But you're not pregnant ... Right you are, friend! But I have become a big fan of yoga since starting our marriage in hippie-dippie California, and I like this DVD. (I hate fitness DVDs. Hate. So the fact that I like this one is kind of a big deal, you see.) I do it for relaxation more than exercise, during Maile's morning nap, or after she's in bed. I love how I feel after I've done yoga, whether it's 15 minutes, or a full hour. Stretching does wonders for a frazzled mama's state of mind.
  3. Oven mitts: Hopefully you have a toddler who is as entertained by the most random things ever ... like mine. Carrying a 14 month-old on your hip, trying to cook dinner in the oven? Who does that? Well, I try. Some days. And, whadya know, an oven mitt trying to eat Maile's face is hi-larious! Ours are old and pea green and grody, so you should get this cute, handmade Amy Butler mitt. Or a real puppet. Though I'm convinced Maile would be totally unimpressed by an actual toy.
  4. Bananas: B-a-n-a-n-a-s. (You're totally singing Gwen Stefani now, aren't you? HA.) Kid loves 'em. I'm not going to tell you what to do, but you probably shouldn't buy them online.
  5. Dove Raspberry Dark Chocolate Swirl Squares: I have one, or three, when I feel like I've reached my limit. Morning. Afternoon. Evening. So. good.
  6. Sweet Pea Creations Baby Wash: We recently discovered this small business at our local farmer's market. Out of our usual California Baby wash for Maile, we decided to try their homemade wash. It's made from 5 essential oils and ... that's it! No store-bought product I've come across can beat that. Plus, it's half the price for a few ounces more product. Maile loves it so much, she will rub it into her own tummy in the bath. I've started using it on my legs. Mr. M has started using it on his face. Soft and smooth, that's what your whole family will be! Try a bottle, and tell Jill I sent you!
  7. Boppy Prenatal Total Body Pillow: Some days Mr. M is away, it feels like Maile and I live in bed. I resort to wearing Mr. M's old tees around the house. Maile just wants to snuggle and be read to and nurse. It's not so bad. But Baby Girl sleeps best with a warm body next to her. We ::gasp!:: still bed share, so Mr. M's time away is always an adjustment. Propping my preggo pillow on the other side of her at night seems to help her sleep as well as she can without Dada in bed.
  8. Earth Mama Angel Baby Organic Milkmaid Tea: I keep it stocked because it's magic. I'm still nursing, but even if you're not -- heck, even if you don't have kids -- fennel and fenugreek are used for a host of medicinal purposes, including digestive issues. I've been drinking it so long, I actually like the taste, but a dollop of local honey makes it extra relaxing. I'm not a doctor, but please don't drink this if you have a bun in the oven; it's for postpartum mums only.
Hope this list might help some of you mothers with men away, too. What are your home alone lifesavers? Do you have anything you'd like to share?

Tomorrow we are off to California, for the wedding of one of Mr. M's oldest friends. We have some super guest posts in store on the blog for the next few days ... They are coming from some truly awesome ladies, and I just know you'll love them. 

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