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August 17, 2012

Guest Post: DIY: Branch and Circle Wall Art a.k.a. Wall Art for Non-Artists, from Trista Yopp

We just returned home to Colorado, and are enjoying the gorgeous weather, family down time, and some tasty homemade food.

Today, my college friend Trista, of Crafting and Cardigans, has a DIY project you totes need to try this weekend. And if you missed out on the great pictures from Alicia's kiddie car wash post, please be sure to check them out!

Be back Monday!


Hi readers! I’m Trista.  Katie and I went to the same college and were also in the Honor’s Program together. 
When Katie asked me to write a guest post I was really excited to start a new project.   So in true Trista fashion I headed over to Pinterest to scour DIY boards.   One project that I’ve been seeing on Pinterest a lot lately is, in essence, a painting.  I can barely draw a decent circle, so I never pinned it because I figured that I would never be able to tackle anything involving both paint and a canvas. 

But!  I recently created a 30 Before 30 list and one item on that list is to create a piece of art for the house.  So I decided to take this guest posting opportunity to tackle my very first 30 Before 30 project.  

This project originated at Two Girls Being Crafty.  They made it look pretty approachable so I decided to jump in.  

All pictures are from my iPhone because I always have my phone and I never have my camera.

Branch and Circle Wall Art a.k.a Wall Art for Non-Artists

What You’ll Need

- 1 Canvas (Size is up to you.  I used 20x24 inches).
- Cream colored paint.  You can use spray paint or acrylic. Don’t forget a brush if you use acrylic.  
- Acrylic paint in whatever colors you want.  I used a navy blue, dark purple, lavender, seafoam green, and goldenrod.  I already had the navy blue on hand and the others were the cheapest I could find in the right colors.
- 1 Brown Paint Pen.  I used Elmer’s (If you can’t find it at a craft store, Walmart has them).
- Round sponges in different sizes

What You’ll Do

1. Lay your canvas on a flat surface and, using the cream colored paint, cover the canvas.  After I covered the top, I had a bit of a problem.  I didn’t have a drop cloth or anything to put under the canvas while I painted the sides, so I had to get creative.  I had a small stool that I wrapped tape around.  Then I put the canvas on top so that it would move while I painted the sides.  If you want to recreate my experience, I’d recommend cranking some pop music while you’re painting.  We’re talking One Direction, Carly Rae Jepson, or the Biebster.   

2. After the paint is dry, remove the canvas from its pedestal.  It’s time to make some branches!  And you might want to switch your playlist to Zac Brown Band’s newest album “Uncaged.”  It will put you in a rustic, branch-drawing mood.  I was pretty nervous about this part because it’s the only real drawing you have to do.  I made some practice branches and realize that branches are just lines.  And they don’t even have to be straight!

3. Give those branches some time to dry and, if you’re like me, make some dinner and spray paint random objects in your house in the name of crafting.

4. Now it’s time to put some color on there!  I recommend switching that playlist back to pop music.  Using your round sponges, add circles to the canvas one size circle at a time.  The Martha Stewart sponges I used come out of their holders, so I used both sides.  I started with the lightest colors and then moved to the darker colors so I wouldn’t have to clean the sponges and then wait for them to dry.  What can I say?  I’m inpatient.  Besides, this method worked pretty well.

5. Keep adding circles until you’re happy.  You might need to add more branches.  I did because I realized I didn’t have enough branches going to the top of the canvas and I didn’t have enough on the right.  Your circles are supposed to attach to either the branches or each other, so you need plenty of branches.  

The great thing about this project is that it’s completely customizable.  Everything from the colors you use to the size of your circles to how many circles you include is completely up to you.   I don’t think it’s possible to mess this one up.  I hung my final project over the tv with some fun fabric in embroidery hoops.


  1. that is so creative and it looks like a professional piece of art decor. amazing!

  2. i love this! how perfect!!!
    i need to be better at doing DIY projects!
    xo TJ

  3. Oooh! Pretty! I need to make more of my own decor!

  4. Thanks ladies!

    @Danica+Stephen - I think this is the only time that the words "art" and "professional" will ever be used in relation to me :)

  5. It came out great! So easy and pretty :)

  6. Seems easy to do! May try this with my family soon ;)
