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September 10, 2012

Littleton Museum

Last week, Maile and I drove to Littleton to meet up with friends and visit the city's museum. After an afternoon at the doctor's office the day before, for a well-baby checkup and immunizations, the afternoon, though incredibly hot, was just what Baby Girl needed to get her mind off her discomfort. (And you better believe it was what Mama needed, too.)

We made our way through the fully operational 1890s homestead and farm, to kiddie choruses of "CAT?!" and "Baaaaaaa!", and tried to keep the littles hydrated. It was awesome.

See? Super fun.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a quiet afternoon at home with Annie and Silas. Then, completely without intending to, found ourselves staying until eveningtime. Nice, long conversation between mamas ... I enjoyed it so.

Days like that make me excited for more play dates and quality time outdoors before the weather (hopefully) cools significantly. Also, a bit of a side note, but it is really hard to photograph in such extreme sunshine. There is nothing quite like the bright at this altitude, and I'm without any editing software at the moment, but I don't want to get started on that -- I still hope you enjoy our pictures! (And I have a new appreciation for our family photographer!)


  1. Oh I love old buildings with cool old stuff inside! And... that's a REALLY fat cow!! Bleghh immunizations are the worst! Hope your babe is fully recovered!

    1. Yes, we had a blast! I didn't even notice how fat the cow is until you said something, but I think, if I remember correctly, she is actually pregnant. :)

  2. Love them all, but especially 5th and 6th pics. So beautiful, looks like a wonderful day. :-)

  3. Such stunning pictures :) looks like such a great day!

  4. I love your photos! You have to let me know if you tried Pixelmator, I absolutely love it :)

    My favorite is the one where Maile is looking down in between the fence slats. I love it when you can see them learning

    -Jordan :)

    1. Thanks, girl!

      I didn't realize until yesterday (when I was trying to find Pixelmator at Best Buy) that it's an app! Our 2007 iMac has been on the fritz for a few months now, so I've been begrudgingly doing everything from our Sony laptop, but I'm newly inspired to take our beloved Apple to the Genius Bar -- Have an appointment to drop it off tomorrow!

      I totally agree ... Seeing their little wheels turn is the best. :)

  5. I think your photos are beautiful! (But yes, harsh sunlight is THE WORST to shoot in!!) What a cool place to visit.. I love fun playdates like that! (By the way...i've been wondering this for a while now, but how do you pronounce your baby girl's name? I absolutely love how it's spelled, but can never quite figure out how to say it? Please ease my mental anxiety :) haha)

    1. Thank you so much, Andrea! That compliment means a lot, coming from you.

      Maile's name is pronounced Miley (like Miley Cyrus). We, however, did NOT name her after the celebutante. Mr. M is half Hawaiian, and we knew that we wanted our baby to have a Hawaiian name. It came down to Maile or Kiele (pronounced Kee-lee). Somewhere along the way, Mr. M just started calling my belly Maile, and when I delivered her, we knew it was the perfect fit! Maile is essentially the Hawaiian form of Mary, and means sweet-smelling, or fragrant. The leaves of the maile plant are also traditionally worn as a lei for weddings or celebrations, and Mr. M wore a maile lei for our wedding, so it was very special to us in that way, as well. :) I appreciate you asking! I cringe every time we hear "May-lee", haha!

    2. I love knowing the meanings behind names! Such a special gift to give your baby. We chose Cruz's name very specifically as well, and I think it's just such a beautiful thing to do! Thanks for responding, girl!! xoxo

  6. That little place is too adorable, and I hope that cat is real, it would be creepy if it was a fake cat sleeping on a bed hah? There's a place called greenfield village by my parents' place in Michigan, we all love to go and see the traditional American homesteading and what not. I love the sheepies, it's a mild obsession! Glad you got to have one of those great momma to momma drawn out conversations, the heart does well with company!

    1. LOL! Yes, the cat is very real.

      And I wholeheartedly agree. Momma-to-momma conversations are a much needed piece of motherhood!
